Saturday, February 13, 2010

Is Barbara Boxer the world's luckiest Senator?

In politics, like life in general, luck can be a factor. For most people it is not the most important factor, but random things happen that can cut for or against people. Hillary Clinton, for instance, has been a bit lucky. Ironically, Monica Lewinsky is the best thing that could have happened to Hillary career-wise. It transformed geeky and strident Hillary into a vulnerable and human person, and she might not have had a political career without it. She was also lucky when Rudy Giuliani pulled out of her first Senate race to leave Rick Lazio as her challenger.

Nita Lowey on the other hand, is unlucky. She probably would have been the Democratic candidate to replace Daniel Patrick Moynihan, rest his soul, in 2000. What are the odds that some random super celebrity from freakin' Arkansas would pop into the state and become the front runner for the Senate seat that was practically already hers?!?!? Well, stuff happens as they say. (Or...what is it they say? I know I'm close...)

Through amazing luck, Barbara Boxer has never faced a high quality opponent in her political career. Boxer has run against:
- Unrealistically conservative, scandal-plagued and ogresque Bruce Herschenson (won by 5)
- Matt "I have no charisma" Fong (won by 10) and
- Former California Secretary of State, Bill "Plain-as-my-name" Jones (won by 20)

You remember them, right??

Well, I suspect her luck has run out. Carly Fiorina has some star power. She ran a major company and she seems human and vulnerable because of her cancer scare. She is formidable. Tom Campbell was a respected congressman, he is politically moderate, he is substantive (a former professor at Stanford Law) and is well-regarded in California. I think against either candidate Boxer's campaigning weaknesses will be exposed and she will lose decisively in 2010. The one way the California Republican Party could keep Boxer's lucky streak going would be by nominating Chuck Devore, who is basically Bruce Herschenson II. He would lose by 10. Fiorina or Campbell, either one, will win by at least five.

Gosh if she's that lucky maybe we should keep her?


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